Will all Christians Be Called 'Radical' in America

The truth of the matter is this is a precursor to what will take place within Christian America and Western Christianity. There is already a title wave approaching for the persecution of the Western Church. What we are seeing now in the media pertaining to the Muslims and radical Islam, Christianity may soon be looked at the same way.  In the near future they may call Christianity and flowers of Jesus Christ 'radicals'. Although there are differences between Islam and Christianity, the non-religious world, especially the media will start to portray Christianity as a threat to society. There are already rogue groups out there who claim to be Christian but they are involved in terror like activities. These groups are anti government and some are racist and many even want to overthrow the government. When these so called 'christian' groups begin to terrorize, who do you think they will be blame? They will blame none other than all Christians.