What is happening to America? She is Falling Deep into the Abyss!

What is happening to this nation called America? She has gone astray so far and so many of her children are fallen and refuse to receive help from God. America is the leading country in pornography, abortions and homosexuality. There was a time when this nation was the leading example to the other nations when it came to morality. Now this is not true for America. There is a time coming very soon when all people will see the judgments of God coming to America because of all the wickedness that is happening. If you are a Spirit filled Christian living in America, you should be PRAYING. These are the last days, it is time for us to seek the Lord more deeply because of the new formations of hatred heading our way. Yes, this same America, that use to be known as a Christian nation, will one day turn on all Christians living on her land.